Ezy Reading: Enjoying The Freeze

Evan Kanarakis

Gave snowboarding a try the other day
I think my teenage instructor thought me a dated stiff
Glad I had a go
It was fun… ish
I’m sure I’ll go again. One day.
But this tailbone needs time heal


Gave snowmobiling a try the other day
My veteran guide was every bit nature’s keeper
Yet even as our machines spouted exhaust into the forest
It was quite a day:
The top-speed blurs of dazzling greens, blues and a blood red winter sun.
Remote travels into the heart of a wilderness with views that near made me weep.


Gave snow-shoeing a try the other day
It was exhausting
The ‘crunch, crunch’ of my feet
I held gaze with a deer for at least two minutes
But then came the shrill cry of the crow
Off ran the deer. And I returned to the toils of my ‘crunch, crunch’.


Gave walking in a blizzard a try the other day
I’d never seen mountains of white like that before
So ventured out, leaving the warm house behind
 My neighbourhood was a ghost town
White on white on white and total silence
Soon rattled, I retreated back inside


A new adventure for each new day
So often I’d cursed this cold
Was lost in thoughts of a beach back home
But now the Spring melt has begun
Once icy mountains turn streets into rivers
And all I want is to enjoy this freeze just a little more

Ezy Reading is out every week.
